Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu BAKIR GÜNGÖR, L'ORÉAL UNESCO Young Woman Scientist Award

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rifat KURBAN, 2nd Water Management Awards, 6th Water and Loss Leakage Forum, 2-3 November 2022, Istanbul


Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, Turkish Informatics Association (TBD) - Computer Engineering Science Award

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burcu BAKIR GÜNGÖR, Best Paper Award, 5th International Computer Sciences and Engineering Conference (UBMK), Turkey. (2020) First place in question 1 prediction problem of the COVID-19 DREAM Challenge. First place in question 1 and question 2 prediction problems of the same competition's leaderboard stage.


Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa Parlar Foundation Research Award


Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, BAGEP Young Scientists Program Award

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, TÜBİTAK Encouragement Award Second place in the symptom score (SC3) prediction problem's T0 category and third place in T24 category of the Respiratory Viral DREAM Challenge. Third place in the symptom class (SC2) prediction problem of the same competition's leaderboard stage.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, Science Heroes Association 4th Young Scientist Award


Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Çağrı GÜNGÖR, TÜBA Outstanding Successful Young Scientist Award